ICAPP “2nd Conference on Human Trafficking” in Phnom Penh, Combodia during 28-30 April 2015

The 2nd ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking took place in the capital of Combodia from the 28th to 30th April, 2015. Sixteen political parties from twelve countries participated in the event along with Representatives of fourteen institutions, including the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and other international, national and non-governmental organizations (NGO).
The workshop was conducted under three topics, which have previously been identified as the framework of discussions at the 1st ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking in Kathmandu, Nepal, in January 2014: raising public awareness on the seriousness and urgency, mapping trans-border networks of cooperation and establishing a fast-track punishment system.
Phnom Penh Staatement on Human Trafficking:

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