The GP Koirala foundation art and cultural department celebrated the auspicious occasion of centenary birthday of the Sikhar Purush Girija Prasad Koirala by organising an inter-school art competition for students at nightingale international secondary school Kupondol, Lalitpur. The event was organised by Shyam Sunder Yadav the director of G.P Koirala foundation art & cultural department and coordinated by Gaurab Ratna Bajracharya Tuladhar. To encourage the participant students Tej Lal Chaudhary (member of parliament of Nepal/founder chairman of the Nightingale international secondary school and Ranjana Pradhan the Principal ( Nightingale international secondary school ) were invited as special guest for the event. In the judging panel senior artist/ former Academician Ramesh Khanal and senior artist/ actor Gautam Ratna Tuladhar (Bajracharya) had selected the winners for the competition. Two consolation prize goes to Nischal Humagain from Chelsea World School and Ujwal Shah from Ambition Academy Higher Secondary School where as the third prize goes to Shreya Shah from Ambition Academy Higher Secondary School, second prize goes to Lucky Jaiswal from Nightingale International Secondary School and the first prize goes to Kavya Raj Bhandari from Nobel Academy School. We would like to express our heartful thanks to all the Nightingale International Secondary School family, all the team members, all the participants and teachers who make this event a grand success.